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places to go and people to see

music sites - doing it yourself like us? try these:

DRT Mastering - once you have finished recording, mastering should be your next step. this site is cool because it answers most of the why's and how's of mastering, and offers an affordable service you can use by mail. we mastered 'deluxe widescreen edition' here.

CD Man - i spent a long time searching the web for a reasonable way to produce a short run of our cd's. this place came out on top for both albums. the price is good, the service is good, and the results are good. get a free quote there to see how much your project would cost, and great tips on how to design your cd.

tech sites - put yourself on the web:

Digital Zones - these guys are hosting us now. we've had bad experiences with some hosting companies, so trust me when i tell you to give these guys a shot. great service! - a great starting point for learning about web coding, java, etc.

favorite sites:

FARK - it's not news it's fark dot com, doo dah, doo dah

ESPN - duh, it's ESPN.

Simpsons Archive - this site is a goldmine for rabid fans of the Simpsons.

BBspot - fun links, geek satire

how to get there from here

quick list:

DRT Mastering
CD Man
Digital Zones
Simpsons Archive

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web design by jason heim - all bucket music copyright 1997-1999